
Saturday, 15 February 2014

The most popular posts of 2013.

William Henry fox Talbot 

These are the ten most popular posts on this site for 2013. In some cases not the best written but then who sets out to write a bad article. I compare it to making pictures, I go out with the intention of producing my best work. I chose those pictures that meet that criterion and share them with you. Then the choice is yours and that means you may not agree.

Of the hundred and fifty or so posts on the blog the following are the most visited making them the most popular.

  1. Fox Talbot a short history.
  2. Darkroom layout.
  3. Preparing the pinhole camera for use.
  4. Basic split grade printing.
  5. Choosing an enlarger.
  6. Print washing.
  7. Test results for Agfa APX 100.
  8. Fuji GW 690111 overview/review.
  9. Dryside of the darkroom.
  10. Keeping your negatives safe.